Judging from tonight's debate organised by the VUW debating society (which three members of The Hive infiltrated, we need a Centre-Right Government fast. The Centre-Left were terrible. Well Grant Roberston was OK, and acted with integrity at one point, but Kedgley was terrible.
In summary the lefties seem to live in the past, have no policies for the future, don't understand economics, rely on buzz words and phrases, and seem intent on stealing NZ First's support base by preaching fear of foreigners and the US. Even Robertson stooped low at one point, before being pulled up by Finlayson.
Finlayson was the best speaker. Roberston did quite well. Stephen Whittington from VUW gave a good justification of sensible policy, unfortunately he was there to support the centre-right not ACT! Fellow student Polly Higbee must have felt embarrassed being in the team she was.
The low points were Kedgley and her voodoo economic views, and a question about abortion. Initially it seemed that the two leftists candidates seemed to be pushing the student Polly Higbee to answer the question for them. But Roberston realised the poor optics of this and stood up and gave an honest answer.
We were amazed that Sean Plunket was allowed to moderate the debate. He did very well. Winston Peters would have been most displeased.