Oct 17, 2008

All Australia's Fault

There is a very interesting column at the back of the Friday Business Herald by someone called The Insider.

We found this very interesting:

"For once, New Zealand's lack of name recognition in China may be a blessing. Fonterra and Foreign Affairs officials report that while some of those in the San Lu/Fonterra poison milk scandal have paid with their lives, New Zealand's reputation remains largely intact. Bizarrely, somehow the gossip in China is that it is all Australia's fault".

Indeed, how bizarre, but then again maybe the gossips have been reading the Mortimer Report

This is the report commissioned by the Rudd Government from John Edwards and David Mortimer on Australia's export policies and programs.

Read this recommendation - the bolding is ours

Pursue a program for opening
global markets that is focused on
maximising prospective commercial
neutralising preferential
access gained by competitors
achieving access outcomes within
a reasonable timeframe and
attracting stakeholder support.