Feb 2, 2008

Fran Not The Only Columnist To Take Issue With Government Excuses

An attack, using that most vicious of weapons - satire (reductio ad absurdum to be precise), on the reasons used by Police and Government to explain the current crime wave has come from an unusual quarter - Noelle McCarthy writing in today's NZ Herald

I thought of the mistral, the idiot wind, this week as police and politicians fell over themselves to blame everything from midsummer madness to full moon fever for the homicides that have whipped us into a frenzy over the past few weeks. Ten murders since the start of the year. Among those dead: the young, the beautiful, the hard-working, the innocent.

As the politicians haven't stopped reminding us, every single one of these murders is one too many. But another consequence of these violent crimes is widespread media madness. In the last few weeks we've been subjected to all manner of rhetorical hand-wringing, breathless reportage and purple prose.

Into this climate of Endtimes come the mystical burblings of our politicians. On a visit to the scene of the latest shootings in Flat Bush, the Police Minister attributed the recent spate of violence in the area not to any of the usual suspects like drugs, or drink or gangs or tagging or even "the parents", but rather to the altogether more poetical combination of the hot summer and a full moon.

Yes. The sun and the moon. My own transgressions under this particular conjunction of elements tend more towards the carnal than the murderous and bloodthirsty, but who am I to argue with the reasoned and expert analysis of the minister in charge of police? It's certainly a new way of explaining social ills. One that has more in common with the world view of Medieval peasants perhaps, but definitely entertaining nonetheless. I look forward to hearing more of our politicians and public servants explaining daily contretemps in this manner. How much more fun to hear about arson due to fire breathing dragons?

Or white-collar fraud when mercury enters the Second House of Saturn? Fishing quotas disrupted by marauding Kraken?

Listen closely and you can almost hear the mistral howling through the space between their ears.

Good stuff Noelle. We doubt that you will have too many difficulties finding companionship next time there is an alignment between Sun and Moon!!