Dec 10, 2007

Al Gore Agrees With The Hive

Al Gore's comments in Oslo where he was collecting his share of the Nobel Prize are reported by CNN. Gore is calling for urgent global action to reduce CO2 emissions and like The Hive team, he doesn't seem to agree with those who argue that only developed countries need do the reducing. Gore said "CO2 increases anywhere are a threat to the future of civilization everywhere." Right on Al. Lets hope you keep pushing this message when you get to Bali, and make it clear that failure to get major developing countries to agree to cuts will be a "threat to the future of civilisation everywhere".

Of course, this is nothing new. Al and Bill had the chance to ratify the Kyoto Protocol before leaving the White House but chose not to fight Congressional concern over the inequity of the Kyoto deal (which saw so many major emitters free riding).

The CNN article is also interesting politically as Gore fails to rule out a run at the Presidency. No doubt he is waiting to see what impact Oprah's negativism has on Hillary's campaign.