Jun 1, 2008

Greens Continue To Savage Labour

Some harsh words for Labour from Russel 'the red' Norman at the Green Party Conference

He said National and Labour were moving closer together "towards a grand coalition" on climate change.
Each one was outbidding the other to appease emitters and "do the least" to address New Zealand's Kyoto Protocol commitments.
This was a "disgusting retreat from principle by Labour and a disgusting return to simpering denial by National".
He said Labour had shown leadership in keeping nuclear ships and Springbok rugby teams out of New Zealand in what had been brave moves.
But with climate change the "biggest moral issue of our time, Labour has lost its guts".
He also rubbished Labour's record on clean water, saying the country's rivers were "quite literally so full of crap" these were dangerous to human health.

Does this mean that the Greens will vote against the ETS?