Feb 9, 2008

New Zealand - Taiwan Relations

We sure that this is a best seller in Beijing (where these things are watched closest)! The China Post, a Taiwanese English language newspaper has run a Waitangi Day supplement. In it is a helpful overview of the state of the relationship by New Zealand's "Representative" (Ambassador). It is interesting that there is no mention of the ancestral links between Maori and Taiwan's aboriginal peoples, or of the growing links between the Maori Party and Taiwan. Perhaps this is implied by:

New Zealand, by its geographical location and population mix, is part of the Asia/Pacific region. As neighbors in the broader Asia/Pacific region, New Zealand and Taiwan have much in common, including the substantial communities of aborigines and students with experience of life and connections straddling both places.

We assume that MFAT head office approved this document, though the "including substantial communities of aborigines" formulation seems a bit strange for a MFAT approved document.