Jan 1, 2008
Pressure Mounting Inside The Greens?
One of the problems being faced by the Greens, is that their new co-leader Russel Norman has nothing like the media presence achieved by the late Rod Donald. This reduced standing is partly a reflection of the fact that Norman is not even a Member of Parliament. Add to this increasing speculation that Jeanette Fitzsimons is soon (probably after the next election) to step down from Parliament (if the Greens get back) and the co-leadership and you have some explanations as to why the Greens are struggling to poll at more than 5%, the key threshold to allow continuing representation in Parliament. Is there any quick fix? Perhaps there is one. Rumour is circulating around town that an existing MP might stand down, and the next person on the list might stand aside, to allow co-leader Russel into Parliament early in 2008. Aside from anything else, such a manipulation of the MMP rules will ensure higher publicity for the Greens for a few days. There is more on this on whoar and on kiwiblog.