The Hive continues to move up the rankings. Our Alexa 3month average rank is 1,796,474 (we have yet to be going 3 months so this is not a true ranking). In comparison our 1 week average has been climbing steadily and now stands at 597,891. Our New Zealand rank has climbed to 3,603.
We began this blog on 30 November 2007 but only started gathering detailed metrics on 10 December. Since then we have been visited 5,194 times and had 9,259 page views, by 1,645 unique visitors. Our visitors spend an average of 2m 24secs reading The Hive. We are being read in 53 countries. New Zealand is, of course, #1 followed by the US, Australia and the UK. We have readers in 44 states in the US. California is #1 followed by New York then Virginia. In New Zealand most readers are from Auckland followed by Wellington City. If the Hutt etc was added in Wellington's readership would match that in Auckland.
Technorati have us at a rank of 962,510 with 8 authorities. They remain way behind in their analysis so we will come out much higher. They cite 42 web references.
Many thanks to those who have linked in to The Hive. As far as we know we have reciprocated in all but one case. We have not linked into Three Point Turn (Alexa rank 4,910,536) because we object strongly to being listed as fascists! We actually have issues with being called "Right" also. Or to being called a "usual suspect" so often by the ex-expat (who we otherwise enjoy immensely). For the record we have never met David Farrar (though we are often in the same room or at the same events) and we have zero links with the National or any other political party. We continue to criticise bad policy and the causes of bad policy. Where Government gets it right or when the opposition get it wrong, we say so. We are not aware of once praising the National Party (though we have praised a few individual performances on particular issues (as we have Phil Goff and Michael Cullen etc for Labour). We do admit to giving ACT a pat on the back for their honesty on the emissions trading legislation. Maori and Peter Dunne also received some positive comments in that regard as did a couple of National Party MPs David Carter and Tim Groser.
A big thanks to all who visit us from the NON-FASCISTS here at The Hive.