Aug 14, 2008

Winston Says:

Winston Peters blog site has been drawn to our attention. It is called "Winston Peters". We wonder who thought that one up?

In this blog there is a section called "Winston Says". This is what Winston says about the media and bloggers:

One of the most important discoveries I have made personally is that we live in an ocean of useless information, and every few minutes someone tips another bucket of it over us.
Never before in human history has so much information been inflicted on the so-called civilised societies on this planet.
Huge industries have been built on a perceived demand for this information.
You could sit at a computer 24 hours a day seven days a week, being drip fed and attached to certain other apparatus and you would still receive only a tiny fraction of the information available.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. It has allowed the creation of that phenomenon known as “blogging”.
In Wellington teams of people spend their spare time filling cyberspace with their opinions.
Now we can’t be too critical because we have set up an election blog site called – and there is no doubt some useful social function is being served.
But it really is like some kind of version of talkback radio. They would probably benefit more from going to cooking classes!
Even the newspapers have their blog sites and their opinion sites.
It’s getting hard to take them seriously these days because half the journalists are bloggers and many of the bloggers are journalists.
So let me give one a piece of advice that has served me well for a long time now – never believe what you see in the media.
Most of these people have an aversion to the truth unless it fits their agenda.
It is sad really, because so many people rely on them for information.
Most media a trying to play a game of join the dots but without any dots, and they wonder why they get the picture all wrong.
You see we in New Zealand have a recycled merry go round when it comes to those in the media.
Look at your Sunday newspapers – all the commentators are failed TVNZ managers, political aspirants or journalists who had been moved on from other organisations.
This is why you can never take them seriously.
So, if there was any advice to give on the topic of the media, believe a fraction of what you read and even less of what you hear!
Computers, television and the education system all seem to be gradually eradicating the ancient art of reading books.