This is but one on many problems now facing UCOL. Expect a raft of PQs, particularly about cost overruns in Wanganui.
The Hive has a number of questions:
- Who is managing the politics of this? 5 of the 9 Councils in the Wellington Region are now talking about withdrawing from the Wellington Regional Strategy.
- Why did an officer from Grow Wellington phone up MP John Hayes and tell him to stop asking questions?
- How can a school that had a supposedly unique curriculum that could only be delivered in Martinborogh now have this curriculum delivered in central Wellington?
- Is anyone going to pay back the hundreds of thousands put up by the three Wairarapa Councils?
- Has NZTE asked UCOL for its money back?
- How much did NZTE know? How much did Grow Wellington know? Have Grow Wellington staff been upfront with the Grow Wellington Board on this issue?
- Is the proposal by UCOL to set up a school in Wellington consistent with the Tertiary education strategy?