Feb 3, 2008

Has The New Zealand Government Taken Up The Cause Of The Jailed Saudi Blogger?

We still have no evidence of action by the Labour-led Government on behalf of Saudi Arabian blogger Fouad Al-Farhan. We monitor Government statements and websites regularly, but have still to spot a statement of support (there have been several statements about matters foreign by the PM and so far this year Winston Peters has welcomed the return to civilian rule in Thailand, announced his visit to Antarctica, and he has expressed alarm over developments in Kenya).

Ironically, it has been suggested to us that too much pressure on this issue might be unhelpful for New Zealand campaigns being planned for membership of the UN Human Rights Council and for the Security Council. Hang on - Human Rights Council? Wouldn't support for freedom of speech be helpful in bolstering our credentials? Apparently not. So it has hit us. A road to Damascus experience. We have the Electoral Finance Act all wrong. It has nothing to do with the Exclusive Bretheren. Instead it is all about harmonising international practice, bringing New Zealand closer to our supporters in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. If we can't beat China and Saudi Arabia, why not join them?

Meanwhile there appears to be mounting concern about the physical safety of Fouad Al-Farhan. Amnesty International frears that he might be being tortured.