Feb 11, 2008

Fran Casts Critical Eye Over Roading Project

Fran O'Sullivan writes today in the NZ Herald about the proposed roading tunnel that passes under the Prime Minister's electorate. She suggests that the PM has been standing in the way of the overground completion of the highway concerned and comments that the plan for the expensive tunnel gets the PM off the hook.

Fran than casts her critical eye over the steering group the Government has put together to consider the possibility of a PPP approach to building the project (even though the Government has opposed this way of building key infrastructure up until now).

So why the change of heart? Surely not because it is election year and the Government wants to curry favour with the business sector by picking off some of National's policies?

If that's the case Barnett, O'Reilly and Selwood should be doubly careful that they don't assess the proposal through rose-tinted spectacles.

The reality is that by joining the steering group, their ability to publicly critique Transit's recommendation has gone. Cullen has duchessed them.

The business trio should also be making sure that the opportunity cost of putting Clark's expensive tunnel to the top of the project list does not limit other projects Aucklanders want, like the second harbour crossing.