Feb 15, 2008

Business Council Expecting Resignations

The minutes of the Business Council for Sustaianable Development's Executive Commitee - which someone has thoughfully been leaking to us - make fascinating reading. Yesterday we shared the confirmation about the plans by the CEO to profit personally from the emissions trading regime.

What shall we share today - details of sponsorship from MfE?

Details of high profile international speakers that the Governemnt seems to have given this Business Council an exclusive of?

Concern at negative publicity?

Fear that members are about to leave? OK that is good one - this from the CEO's report

"To ensure we can continue our work programme even if a member or members decide to leave on a policy issue, I have hired Chris Everitt as the Membership Development Manager to create a step change in our recruitment activity but also to ensure we have more regular visits to existing members starting with those who are less engaged. We are aiming to recruit only leadership organisations that want to play an active part in the Business Council. While new member companies will tend to be smaller on average than existing members another 10 net members provides funding for another project or a researcher."