Apr 5, 2008

Winston Peters' Dilemma

Fran O'Sullivan analyses the dilemma Winston Peters finds himself in over the China FTA. Like us here at The Hive, Fran knows that Winston is very well briefed on the FTA (if he took anything in) so claims that briefing papers were late so no decision by NZ First on whether to support the deal could be taken this week are false. No Winston is buying time. If he doesn't support the FTA he should either resign of be fired. Why doesn't the Government offer him the job in London. It would be kinder to recall Leask before he unpacks his boxes than to have him come in in December. Word around town is that even Winston's best friend Philip Burdon is telling people that Winston is finished as he can't possibly win Tauranga. So lets finish NZ First off completely. It will be a good move to remove racism from our Parliament once and for all.